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fruit bat 【動物;動物學】大蝙蝠亞目〔如:狐蝠〕。

fruit cocktail

Impacts on the locally rare lesser club - footed bat and short - nosed fruit bat have not been fully addressed either . wbased on the above , we find the subject eia report failing to meet the requirements of the eiao tm and respectfully request the director of environmental protection to consider disapproving the captioned eia report 基于以上各點,世界自然基金會認為上水至落馬洲支線隧道高架橋方案環境影響評估報告未能符合環境影響評估程序的技術備忘錄的要求,故懇請環境保護署署長否決該申請。

Of the 21 local species two are fruit bats , one is a piscivore fish - eating and the remainder are insectivorous 21個本地蝙蝠品種中,兩個屬于果蝠,一種以魚為食糧,其馀捕食昆蟲維生。

Among the highlights are huge monitor lizards , galapagos turtles , naked mole rats , fruit bats and spiders 其中數巨蜥加拉帕歌斯大海光禿禿的鼬鼠水果蝙蝠和蜘蛛最為引人注目。

Now that the dursleys knew they weren ' t going to wake up as fruit bats , he had lost his only weapon 現在德斯禮一家知道他們不會一覺醒來變成蝙蝠了,哈利失去了唯一的武器。